This handsome 19th century Black Forest cigarette box is constructed in the form of a dog house or dog kennel. It comes complete with occupant, a hunting dog that looks like a Retriever. The decorative box appears to be made of oak and finished with a dark stain. It is painstakingly carved to look like a dog house made with boards of lumbar. Each of the carved boards are adorned with round head brass pins, which add even more ornamental detail to this amazing antique wood box. The craftsmanship and attention to detail is apparent, from top to bottom.
The front and rear of the roof have elaborate carved Victorian fretwork, just like the homes built in the late 1800’s. The roof overhang on the sides even have several roof corbels under the eaves.
The dog is cast brass that is extensively carved to look like a real dog, You can see and feel the detail of the animal fur and the dogs wide collar band. Above the dog is a single brass button that releases the locking mechanism for the lid. This allows the hinged roof to be opened to access the cigarette storage.
The Black Forest cigarette box is in very nice condition and appears to be all original. The wood finish appears to have be waxed and polished in recent years. This magnificent Black Forest box came from a private collection in Dallas Texas.

MAKER: Unknown
PERIOD: 1870-1880
MATERIALS: Carved Oak wood and brass.
HEIGHT: 4.63 in. (12 cm)
WIDTH: 5.5 in. (14 cm)
DEPTH: 8.5 in. (22 cm)
CONDITION: Very nice condition with wear consistent with age and use.